Monday, February 6, 2012

Update on Mary (Who was Beaten, Robbed, Abducted, etc.)

...the one for whom we've been praying, from her brother...

Mary is healing very well. She's been moved to the rehab section of the hospital. The nurses hope to get her outside into a courtyard this week should the weather cooperate. Both arms remain in casts (one for a broken bone, the other due to surgery on her wrist tendons) so she's still not able to feed herself. Her four children, two of my sisters, and my father have been there almost continuously to help care for her. I've not yet been able to make the trip, although I hope to get there before the month is out.

And another:

Mary is looking a bit better. Eye patch removed, vision in both eyes with some issues in her left eye. She is slowly training to become a left hander as she cannot use the right arm. She still has limited use of her left arm/hand and will be receiving 6 noncontinuous hours of therapy each day. She's able to roam about the hospital via wheelchair, and enjoyed getting out. Hoping for warm days and sunshine so she can spend a little time outdoors getting fresh air.

Thank you so much for your prayers, which are obviously still needed.


Xen Xen said...

Lord, have mercy!!!

Anastasia Theodoridis said...


I stayed up late last night reading your blog and want to thank you very much for sharing your story, and to say I hpe you keep writing.

So much of what you write sounds so familiar! I did a child's version of the same thing when I was 11 years old. Searching and searching, and eventually I gave up. Right before I discovered Orthodox Christianity.


Anastasia Theodoridis said...

Oops, wrong person! It was one of the blogs you follow. Sorry about that.