...my other favorite rendition of the Lord's Prayer, although I don't care for the setting, is this one, which I've posted before. This little girl even knows when to pause for the little organ interlude and when to raise her arm dramatically. :-)
Crime & Punishment
1 day ago
The Malotte Lord's Prayer is pure torture. I grew up in the Catholic church and was subjected to this on a regular basis along with On Eagle's Wings and other "hits". I have to say, this little girl absolutely nails it. You can tell she's hearing the organ cues in her head as she's pausing...poor baby.
By the way, Father just pointed out your blog to me and I love it!
Eagle's Wings! Oh, I do remember that. I even used to like it, a lot. (Former Episcopalian here.)
...and I will rai-aise you up,
and I will rai-aise you up,
and I will RAI-AISE you u-up on the La-ast Day!
A feel-good song! You can feel your body sort of swell...
Was subjected to it again recently at a funeral.
Welcome to my blog, Matushka Anna! I think I've seen your comments over at Roosje's blog.
I've also just been poking around your blogs, and am so glad to have discoverd them. "Lost Innocents" is so moving, and so practical...
Eternal Memory!
Oh, no, that was the wrong song, wasn't it. The one you were mentioning is about "I will bear you up on eagles' wings...something, something... make you to shi-ine like the sun, and hold you in the palm of My hand."
Yeah, well...
Ugh, they all sound kind of the same. There was a funny site called "Haugen Haas" or something like that (pause....looking it up) - blast, it's defunct. Oh well, it was basically a site calling for an end to the music of Marty Haugen and David (??) Haas, the composers of that wretched music. It had parodies of the songs written by readers. Anyway, that first one was "I am the bread of life" and it's dreadful - so screechy on the last "RAISE".
I think the funniest thing Father and I realized was that the hymn that starts, "Are you there, Lord...it is I, Lord. I have heard you calling in the night," shares music with the theme from the Brady Bunch. Try it. The first few lines are exactly the same.
Sometime you might try looking for Thomas Day's books, "Where Have You Gone, Michelangelo?" and "Why Catholics Can't Sing." It doesn't fix anything, but it sure makes you feel like you weren't the only one cringing in the pews.
Matushka Anna, will you please be so kind as to check out these two posts of mine and see what you think. Thank you!
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