Tuesday, May 6, 2008

God Reveals Himself in Life More than in Literature

Yet again, I urge you to read Fr. Stephen's latest post, which is on how God reveals Himself.

Here is an excerpt to whet your appetite.

...the answer is not a literary event, but a matter of a life lived. Christ so exegetes the Father that He can say, “If you have seen me you have seen the Father,” (John 14:9). God did not make Himself known by giving us words about Himself. Those who think the Scriptures are the revelation of God are sadly mistaken. Christians are not Muslims. Christ Himself is the Word of the Father and it is through Christ that we know God, not through the Bible. The Scriptures have their place of great importance and are an essential part of the life of the Church, but that place is precisely that of which I am writing.
