Grace's baby, due supposedly on February 10, still hasn't made his appearance, or at least hadn't last I heard. (For a laugh, check out Grace's baby ticker here.) As my sister Wendy (his grandmother) wrote, "If he doesn't cooperate, Friday is the day they will change his mind." That's today. Somtime today, little Quinn Little will arrive. Happy birthday, Quinn! Congratulations, Grace and Aaron! Send photos!
And happy belated birthday to you, Wendy! Too bad he didn't come on your birthday Wednesday. But so what? It's no doubt for the best.
It means that by the end of today, Wendy and I will be tied in the Grandmother Stakes, at four apiece.
Quote of the day...
1 day ago
Whohooooo! New babies are the biggest blessing! Congratulations, and prayers for a smooth labor.
Well, slight change of plans. The doctor told her that since there is no stress, they should give him one more day. So tomorrow will be the day, except that it could easily go into Sunday since they won't induce until evening. Of course signs are good that he might just come in the middle of the night tonight!
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